Thursday, March 15, 2007

Pensioner in Qualification

Today is my 62nd Birthday. Today I get to officially get to become a cranky old man.

Wait, you say, you already are.

Oh, that's right. I took a run at it.

What bugs me most is I now would qualify for Social Security if I wanted to take it. I won't for now. I won't go quietly into that good night. I will rage until the dawn. Oh, I know I will step from time into eternity someday. I'm looking forward to it. But until then I plan to inflict the world and it's demonic prince with all I have.

Just be forewarned. I'm still on two legs and mean as ever. When I'm 80 like Ol Caleb I want demons to tremble at the sound of my name. I want devils to say, "Paul we know, Gene we know, Jesus we know, but who in Hell are YOU?"

That's a good question. Do demons know your name in Hell? They know mine.
I want them to regret the fact that I am celebrating another birthday. I hope to irritate the ones walking around with a demonic spirit in them so much that the spirit has to leave when I show up. That will be messy. I loved being hated by HELL.

Oh, and it's not me, It's who lives in me. But that's another post.


Aaron said...

Happy Birthday Gene.

I'll vouch for your crankiness anytime.

Steve Scott said...

Happy birthday! March is a good month for birthdays. I'm wondering how fast life expectancy is accelerating. If it's accelerating faster than you are aging, you might be around for ever.