Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Quit Pandering to the Permanent Weaker Brother

I want EVERY person who names the name of Jesus as Lord to grow and become strong in the faith. As long as a person is trying to grow and sometimes falling down I will help him or her back up, walk with and try to help them. It's the lack of trying that is trying for me.

Where I lose tolerance is the permanent weaker brother. The person who by choice has decided to be offended at everything. You have them in your church, I have them in mine. These spiritual dwarfs are Pharisees in sheep's clothing. They take offense at everything. "Don't do that in front of others, it might offend." Even GODLY things like ministering healing of the sick, ":do it in private, someone might be offended."

Bull puckey.

Steve Scott has a pretty sharp perspective on this. My irritation is not about alcohol. Mine is about religious people.

I will do all I can within my power to help and encourage and not cause a weaker brother to fall. On the other hand if a person insists on being spiritually thin skinned, sorry brother, weak or not, you are about to be pricked.

GROW UP. If you are offended (like the Pharisees were) at everything and everyone who isn't just like you or what your myopic view of what a Christian is, you are just a little kid playing dress up and pretending to be a grown up. You are an imposter.
I no longer will make any attempt to protect you. Time for you to get over yourself. You are not the weaker brother Paul talked about. You are a Pharisee. I will treat you exactly as Jesus did.

It won't be pretty.


Anonymous said...

AMEN AND AMEN!!!We ALL need to be much more BOLD.

Complaining and whinning and being mad all the time condradicts what Paul says in Phillipians 2:14-16.

What's frustrating is I too want everyone to have what I have. We're only messengers-not everyone will hear. Jesus had the same problem when He went home to Narareth, and people ridiculed Him. What did He do? Moved on...

G, there's a LOT of us praying for YOU specifically. Be encouraged and uplifted, for He is our strength.

Colossians 2:2-3

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add...love that line, get over yourself.

And to all those who get easily offended and ticked off...the TRUTH must hurt. Good. Let the healing blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit heal you, once and for all. What are you waiting for...?

Colossians 2:2-3