Saturday, April 07, 2007

Top Ten Ways to Know if you are TOO Obsessed With End TImes Prophecy

  1. You always leave the top down on your convertible in case the rapture happens.
  2. You never buy green bananas.
  3. Your Church starts using "Up Up and Away" as a Worship Song
  4. Barcode Scanners make you nervous
  5. You get a tax refund for $666 and you refuse it
  6. You can name more of the "Signs of the End Times" than the Ten Commandments
  7. You are certain that the original Hebrew Text came with Scofield Notes
  8. You think the "Church Fathers" refer to Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye
  9. You get a few goose bumps if you hear a trumpet
  10. You use "Left Behind" books as Devotional Reading

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny stuff! You might like to Google "You May Be a Rapture Redneck if..." and "An Exciting Day at Rapture Bible College." M.F. (These may also be on Yahoo.)