Monday, July 30, 2007

Fear of Failure

I have been accused of being overly bold sometimes, even foolhardy. That is a strength in my eyes. I have been writing my testimony for the men's retreat. It's mostly about my failures before Jesus.

What I have come to realize is this, when I was born again my spirit man stopped producing any further fear in me. In other words I believed that I could not be anything but successful in Jesus if I just believed, had faith as a mustard seed and could say to the mountain, say to the sycamyne tree and they would respond.

On the other hand, my spirit can be fed fear. Fear from news media, fear from friends, fear from politicians. I then can decide to accept or reject the fear being fed me. One of our presidents of this great country said,
"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance".
Yes, that is FDR. He was so correct when it came to fear and the reaction many have to it.

The one thing I have seen in reviewing my life is my point of failure is exactly where my fear point began. Whenever I allow myself to be afraid of taking a step I should take that is the seed of failure.

Fear Stops Faith Steps

I don't know why this is coming up but I wanted to mention what has become obvious to me. When I begin to fear I begin to fail.

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