Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hospice Care for Church

Last Sunday in a Reformed Church (building). Not much Reformed Church going on any more.

We were meeting there.

When masses of Christians voting with their feet are finding hope in other Christian spiritual expressions could there be a potential for a problem to be resolved? Or just to let it die.

Trying to incrementally change the intransigent is folly. I too wish I could go back to that little white wood frame North Dakota Mo Synod Lutheran Church of 1954 that I remember and loved so well as a child. It's gone now and so are all the trappings of what was.

Much of what I see are people engaged in Hospice Care as the Church of former years dies a slow death. No one denies the inevitability of her passing, they just want her to be comfortable as the last gasps are taken.

Meanwhile, new birth is breaking out, it's different, it's alive, it's fresh and just a little strange. But it's real.

After the epithet is written for the past church the new life will bloom.

I only hope the new life doesn't become so pleased with it's past that it repeats the pattern once again.

I won't be here to see that, but I have hope they might not repeat the error of dwelling on former things.
Isaiah 43:18

God then says, "Behold I do a NEW THING" V19

If it's new to GOD it's new to YOU and ME. Why do we try to preserve the former things?

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