Thursday, January 24, 2008

He won't relent until he has it all

Many mornings I tune into GOD TV on Direct TV to the worship portion of The House of Prayer from KC. It comes on at 10 am so it's not always easy to do. Its part of my love language in worship.

This morning I was staggered emotionally by the song they did. "Set me like a seal upon your heart, a seal upon your arms".

The counter chorus is this:
You won't relent until you have it all, my heart is yours.

I knew the song. I had heard it before. But this morning it hit me. He won't. He won't stop until he has all of me. Nothing can be left behind. Nothing can be hidden. Nothing is allowed to be held in reserve.

He won't relent until he has it all.

This is a powerful truth that shook me to the bone this morning. He's so good.

Watch Misty do this at the call.

Or at the one thing conference


Anonymous said...

God's hug to ya dude...

Anonymous said...

amazing way to put it.
that really helps give meaning to the song and makes it that much more powerful.