Monday, February 11, 2008

Frustrated with stupid software from Microsoft

Germans have a word when something outsmarts itself. Dumbschmardt. Microsoft is Dumbschmardt. They have some of the most convoluted software on the planet. Office 2007 is a nightmare.

It's the worst stuff in the world except for everything else.

I'm tired and cranky and tired of fighting this battle. I have fought at the keyboard and mouse the whole day and have darn little to show for it.

Sometimes I hate the computer. I surely hate the programmers at Redmond. They make life miserable in every way. If I had the guts or the smarts I would go Microsoft free. Linux to start.

But, I'm oppressed of the Microsoft and have no exorcist to help me or heal me of my oppression.

Demons may flee at the sound of the name of Jesus but we still have Microsoft.

I don't get it.


Pastor Phil said...

Buy a mac

Anonymous said...

buy a Big Mac!


Romans 8:25

Anonymous said...

Build a bridge and get over it! Or better yet--buy a Mac, a Big Mac and a bottle of spiritus fermenti and relax!

Anonymous said...

Demons may flee at the sound of the name of Jesus but we still have Microsoft.

I don't get it.


O Vista cursed by thy name!