Monday, March 31, 2008

Religion's Fatal Flaw

I have lived by the truth that My Experience Trumps Your Theology all day Long.
I am hard to talk out of things that I have seen and heard, things that I have experienced, things that I know to be true because I touched and felt them. 
The problem is I have had experiences that do not line up with some religious traditions and for that reason are held in suspect or question.  They think it is probably some kind of soft delusion.
I have come to a hard, not mean, just hard conclusion:
Religion will always find fault with your experience rather than admit that you might have something they have missed.
That goes particularly for gifts of the spirit, that goes for joy, that goes for freedom.  If you have it and they don't they will call into question the fact that you have these things.  The idea that they missed it is unthinkable.
I have known teenage kids who entered into the things of God in a big way and were talked out of the experience because of what I believe to be a religious demon.  OH, the person who brought this "TRUTH" was well meaning but in my opinion deceived so much they insisted on continuing the deception under which they were deceived.  Blind trying to lead the blind.
There is a name and a face attached to this tirade.  A young man I knew was powerfully anointed and used of God. Then some religious person got hold of him.  They convinced him that the power and authority he walked in was not authentic.  He became discouraged and bound up.  He abandoned his gift.
His gift didn't abandon him.   It's without repentance.  He still knows full well that it is real.  He is bound up by a stronghold imposed by religion.
I have an older friend who believes that traditional mainline denominational teaching is needed to build a strong foundation for people who come into the truth of Pentecost.  I am convinced of the opposite.  Without the power of the Holy Spirit in Might and Manifestation mainline teaching is inert.
I wish my young friend would find his first love once again.  Religion robbed him of the Joy and Passion he once had.
That is the biggest theft of all.  Sounds like the one who comes to steal kill and destroy. 
I am more convinced that Religion is a tool of the devil implemented by well meaning people.
Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.  Sometimes they don't even know they are wolves.   


Anonymous said...

"I have known teenage kids who entered into the things of God in a big way and were talked out of the experience because of what I believe to be a religious demon."

Goes for adults too...

I've known people, including religious leaders who have lied, cheated, been deceitful, spitful, evnvious, disingenuous, unloving, uncaring, and unanointed - and they STILL lead today. As to what they're really leading is the REAL question.

It's about the last word - anointed. If you are, you have that "Job"-like quality: unshakable faith in spite of what's thrown at you whether it's man or demon, unquenchable desire of the things of God and not of things of man (like prestige or money), and FAITH to know, like Acts 5:38-39, that when it's really God, you'll know.

In the end, nobody will be judged by how religious we were. we will be judged by the love we have - love for God and love for others. Neither are optional, either, even when people are REALY stupid...

Handle the things of and for Gene, and let God handle the rest.

here's your hug (( Gene ))


Anonymous said...

Religion will always find fault with your experience rather than admit that you might have something they have missed. (NIV)
YOu might have something they aren't ready for, or maybe even don't want (the message)

Anonymous said...

"My experience trumps your theology all day long"? ..........It depends on what your "experience" was , or is. The devil himself can masquerade as an angel of light. I would say that God's theology from the objective word of Scripture trumps many human experiences all day long. What Jesus "experienced" in my behalf is the Center of all theology,

Gene said...

Let's suppose I had posted not on gifts of the spirit, which are well supported by scripture, but on the reality of the resurrection.

On another blog there was a man who doubts Jesus actually rose from the dead bodily. I countered him. The reality of the resurrection is a function of Experience not intellect or theology.

The Disciples had seen and experienced the presence of Jesus after he rose from the dead, but Thomas didn't believe, his theology wouldn't allow for the reality. Once he saw and perhaps touched Jesus his experience trumped the theology of the day that denied the resurrection. Even Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 had religious people teaching that Jesus had not risen from the dead. Paul had experienced Jesus, it trumped the theology he was embroiled in the second before the experience.

The angel of Light comment says that you have more faith in the devil's ability to deceive you than you do in God's ability to reveal himself to you. That has more to do with your capacity to be discerning than the capacity of the enemy to deceive.

God will never reveal himself to you if you allow your theology to keep you blinded. There are scales that need to fall from your eyes.

I'm not angry or critical, I want to stir you to seek for more of God. He has so much more for you. You can truly experience Jesus. I hope you do someday.