Monday, May 05, 2008

The Burden of the Prophetic

Sometimes I wish I didn't.  See things prophetically that is.  In the last several days I have been confronted with circumstances and people about whom I have received insight that I never asked for.  Now, I'm stuck with what to do with it all.
In some of these they are critical issues that have the potential to be life and death.  How do you say what you know and not have people first think you are a total crackpot, which they are welcome to think, OR without the people that I have received insight thinking this is about them?
It's not.  This is about God's Name Sake.  He will not allow his name to be taken in vain.
When this gift first manifested in me several years ago I was happy to have it.  I wanted to flow in it.  I wanted to know that I could do the will of God and encourage or help people become more effective.  Now, there has been a change. The bar is raised.  I am finding myself in the place of bringing news that isn't always welcome.  What worked before no longer does.
What to do?  I will be faithful to the call.  I will take the ridicule or disdain I will receive.  In the end I know it's true. 
God's allowance of things in the past that he seemingly winked at no longer applies.  If a man or woman isn't operating in the fear of God to the point of trembling he or she is a potential candidate for Hell.  It's that serious.  God would rather kill you then let you go to Hell.  At least your soul would be saved even if your body was lost.
There are names and faces behind all this. None of which I will share here.  Unless I were called by God to do so, I would never openly denounce someone. 
God is not mocked.  Those that do risk life and limb.
It's time to get real.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"God would rather kill you then let you go to Hell. At least your soul would be saved even if your body was lost".

Perhaps you better explain that! This is very confusing. If I am a man or woman headed for Hell, how would killing me save my soul? I would not able to repent and possibly do not know what I have done to offend God?