Sunday, May 04, 2008

To the Open Minded Only

If you are of the opinion that there is rampant global warming and that horrible things will ensue because of that "FACT" I want to ask you a KEY question.

Are you open minded. If you were misled by a well oiled machine and were willing to dissuade
from the misdirection you have experienced, would you be willing to examine the evidence to the contrary? That would be open minded.

If the answer is NO, "I refuse to hear anything other than the narrow reality I have been instructed in, then I can't help you and neither can anyone else". You'll live in your continued deluded state till hell freezes over which apparently it may well be on the way to doing.

If the answer is "OK, it's possible for me to hear another reality, another possibility, another argument", then please read this compilation on the whole global warming debate.

If after you read this you are still convinced that the proponents of Global Warming are right and everyone else is wrong, then I have done my best. If after reading this you might consider that possibly the Jury is Still out on all that (George W Bush 2003) please reconsider everything you have been told. You have been lied to.

I want a clean environment. It's just the whole carbon footprint and CO2 fear is going to kill us all. I'm trying to help.

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