Tuesday, July 08, 2008

10 "Truths" about picking people for your ministry

I found this interesting but not fully in agreement with all of it.

These ten principles of picking people the right people to be on your team for your church (or organization) according to Craig Groeschel:
  1. Character is more important than giftedness.
  2. God often uses those others overlook.
  3. My wife is almost always a better judge about people than I am.
  4. Past success is a good indicator of future success.
  5. There is often a reason someone is looking for a job.
  6. Teach-ability is non-negotiable.
  7. When I’m trying to talk myself into liking someone, it’s best to move on.
  8. People from within the organization typically have a huge advantage over those who are from without.
  9. One of the best ways to attract better leaders is to become a better leader.
  10. We’re all better off when we pray, listen, and obey.
I'm not in agreement with all of them. But they are interesting. One thing for sure, an outside hire fails MOST of the time.

Read the whole thing and look at the comments. Thought provoking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All of these work both ways: from a hiring viewpoint and a hire-ee viewpoint. Most outsiders fail mostly because leaders and churches become set in their ways and resist change of any type (...we've never done it that way, that won't work, etc). #5 bugs me. Maybe people are looking because they're being led to. It's not always "the job". Believe me, if you're doing it for the money or anything like that, there are far better ways with much better pay and far less hours and stress. People do it because it's they're call and have a passion for it-period. Ask any church worker if they'd do it for free and see the response. I'll be most won't. Take them up on it for a month or two and then see what they do.