Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Dark Knight is a GREAT MOVIE

OK, I'm gonna gush a little. I just came home from seeing Dark Knight. I saw it on a huge IMAX screen with a HUGE LOUD surround sound system.


I was very impressed. AND, not to be a bandwagon jumper, but Heath Ledger if he gets an Oscar deserves it not because he's dead but because he was great in the movie.

Evil with a sense of understanding his justification for being evil. I loved the whole thing. I won't see it again. It was great just as is and made such an impression on me to leave things alone.

It's very very violent. It's been maybe 6 months since I've been in a movie theater. I don't go to movies much. Loud, Run, Jump, Shoot, Fight, Hit, Fall, and more explosions than I could count. Good family entertainment.

No animals were injured during the making of this movie. Wish we could say the same for Heath Ledger.

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