Friday, October 03, 2008

Signing the Front not the back of the Paycheck

From Mike Huckabee:

I hope that you had a chance to watch the Vice-Presidential Debate tonight and that it reaffirmed all of our beliefs that Sarah Palin is the knock-out punch the McCain-Palin ticket needs to win in November. Governor Palin is a bright, articulate, talented woman. She has what I consider to be the most important experience - she is a Governor and the only one in this race that has actually ever signed the front of a paycheck.

She may not know the answer to every "gotcha" question that some of the talking heads throw at her, but, I don't think any of us do. She is going to make mistakes, but she will learn from those mistakes. Her character, leadership and strong values will get her over the rough spots.

Mike is Great and in my opinion, right.

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