Saturday, November 22, 2008

Why the United Auto Worker's Government Bailout Must Be Stopped

Listening to Mark Levin last night he referenced an analysis of the way out of balance union salaries in the big three auto makers and the rest of us.

UAW workers earn $75 an hour in wages and benefits--almost triple the earnings of the average private sector worker. Detroit autoworkers have substantially more health, retirement, and paid time off benefits than most Americans. These benefits, and a JOBS bank that pays UAW workers nearly full wages to not work, have been a major force driving the Detroit automakers’ current fiscal woes. Consequently, Congress should not force all Americans to pay for high wages and benefits for UAW workers.

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Taxpayers Should Not Bail Out the UAW

By seeking a bailout, the UAW, along with the Detroit automakers, are asking taxpayers to help keep UAW earnings at $75 an hour when the typical American takes home a third that much. The Big Three also want Congress to use taxpayers’ money to pay billions of dollars into the new health care VEBA, thereby funding health care benefits for UAW retirees that are far more generous than those provided by an already under-funded Medicare system.

UAW workers understandably want to preserve the standard of living to which they have become accustomed, but that standard is not sustainable in a competitive economy. Congress should not tax all Americans in order to maintain UAW workers’ affluent lifestyles.


Anonymous said...

I agree. I did not know that the big three autoworkers made as much as $75. AN HOUR! that is outrageous. As a church worker putting in about 70 hours a week I really make about $13.50- $14. an hour, and the world outside the church environment would say that is poor compensation for a postgraduate-level worker! How much education does a car polisher need? I would like to work for Americn-based Toyota builders!

Anonymous said...

"and a JOBS bank that pays UAW workers nearly full wages to not work,"

2 Thess 3:10

10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

Anonymous said...

It's the unskilled labor and inflated executives that are a drain the most. Take away long lunches at the strip joints and mega wages for screwing one screw in a part or for 100% pay when you are reprimanded for attacking a manager.

Yeah I would say reform is needed.