Thursday, February 05, 2009

Is it Christian to Question what our President Does?

I have been clear on this blog from the day it became apparent that Barack Obama would become POTUS that I will Honor him as MY President, that I will Pray for him for sound judgement, safety from all harm and that the Spirit of God will invade his life supernaturally. I will and I do. If you find me deviating from that promise and drifting into the kind of idiocy the left had toward George Bush I give you full permission to call me on it.

That doesn't mean I endorse or approve of all he does. It means that I will not be easily duped by things he does that are meant to persuaded a willing press and populace toward his policies when they are contrary to the worldview I live in or harmful in my opinion. I grant you that these opinions are my own and I have been mistaken in the past. I will be again. Last I looked, we still have the right to question those in authority according to the constitution. The first amendment hasn't yet been revoked.

To be fair, I am doubly hard on people who should know better that have blindly fallen for his smooth effective public manner. I am extra hard on people who supported and voted for him in SPITE of openly spoken policies towards issues close to the heart of God like innocent life and homosexuality. I have this bad habit. I read his book. It's pretty clear without midrash where the Father's heart is in those areas.

I am openly dismissive of the silly folks who without knowing any of the issues voted for Obama and blindly support him motivated by black racism and white guilt. There is also a group of liberals who without thinking voted for Obama no matter what he espoused, he wasn't George Bush and that was enough. Fortunately that only represents a tiny bit over half of the populace.

Now, to the question at the top of this post. Is a Christian allowed to question and even be critical of what a President does or says? Or does the positive confession rule apply here? I come from a long line of prosperity message preachers who would say you must NEVER EVER say anything negative. It's negative confession if you do. If you get a sniffle, you are to say, "I'm healed, I'm whole, I'm feeling wonderful", even as you wheeze and hack, cough and run a fever. Of course don't go to a doctor. That would be negative confession.

Money is the same. NEVER EVER say I'm short of cash. Just keep on saying "I'm blessed of the Lord and have more than enough to overflowing". Meanwhile the process server just showed up at the door to kick you out of your home for not paying your mortgage. Been there, done that, have too many tee shirts to count.

So, what are we supposed to do when Barack Obama does or says something that appears to many to be wonderful, but to those who see things differently may not buy the idea that it's all sunshine and light in his words? Just say, HE'S a WONDERFUL PRESIDENT, AND FULL OF GREATNESS? Is that what we are to do? Never question. Never look behind the veil. Just give positive affirmation of all he does without question. Kind of like the Wizard of Oz I guess.

I suspect there are some who believe that we are to just be affirming and never ask the hard questions. I do NOT. I think we are in trouble in the country because a large number of people who name the name of Jesus ignored the signs and voted their pocketbook and prejudice without consideration for what is right by God's scale. For that they don't answer ultimately to me. They will answer.

I reject the idea that we as Christians do NOT have the right to question or even to sometimes be critical (which must of issue be negative). I think there is much to question. Give him a chance I have been told. I will, I am, but he has made a few bonehead moves that must be called out. He is not very discerning in his choice of friends, sponsors, mentors and associates. That has been his life weakness. It still is.

To be fair, I have seen sparks of greatness in little things now and then. He has done some things right. On the other hand he had done some things that tell me that in the end we are going to have interventionism in our lives at a level never before imagined. We may not survive as the nation you remember. We are on a precipice.

It will be too late to say I told you so when we go over the edge. So, as long as I can, in whatever forums I am able, I will continue to speak up and speak out on things I see that are simply smoke and mirrors.

He is a good man at heart. I believe that. He is in way over his head. And he has surrounded himself with some dangerous people. His conviction that government can solve most of our problems is fatally flawed. His inexperience is revealed more every day.

It is naive to think that because he is not of the core Washington establishment he is somehow less corrupted by it. Consider the culture of corruption he came out of in Illinois. How is he less polluted now that he holds the highest elected office in the land? What changed?

As long as I have free speech rights on this blog or others who may or may not accept my comments I will speak up.

I am of the opinion that for me to remain silent in the face of an attempt by genuinely evil people to take over the country I love and grew up in would be unchristian. Just as many people of Faith mistakenly did as Adolf Hitler rose to power.

To be absolutely clear, I do not believe Barack Obama is Adolf Hitler, nor is he the Antichrist.

He is however surrounded by many who would like to influence him to evil if they could. Some are in congress and some are influencers like George Soros.

I am a watchman on the wall. So should you be. Sometimes that requires you to question what a leader with good intentions does. I hope you will. When you do, you may be criticized for being negative. Speak up for those who have no voice or are too timid to express it.

Perhaps the real sin is to remain silent.


Anonymous said...

so much for submitting to authority

Gene said...

Submitting to authority for a Christian is not as easy as it looks. Why didn't the three Hebrews submit to Nebachanezzer when he demanded they bow to the golden idol?

I know, that's different.

I suggest that this background piece be the beginning of consideration of this complex and important issue.

I may post on this again, my friend Steve Scott has written extensively on this issue. Submission to authority for the Christian was tested mightily in Luther's time and in Bonhoeffers time. It will be again.

Anonymous said...

Read Romans 13 and also 1 Peter2:13 ff. The government role is to punish evil and praise the good.
The "good" is not handing out pork by the billions of dollars. And the government needs to see 'evil' as God sees it, and to see "life" as God defines it.

A. said...

I think you are on the right track with this one. I too feel we must submit to God, over man, as our ultimate authority.

And I like how you referenced the 'watchman on the wall' in this post, mentioned first in Ezekiel chapter 33 (read again the first dozen verses if you aren't already familiar!), and then also in Isaiah (62:6). These verses, particularly in Ezekiel, make it very clear that if those who have been given a unique vantagepoint, SEE danger, and/or sin, and that person is in a position where he CAN warn others, he has a duty to do so, lest the blood of the people who didn't see the danger then be on the watchman's hands for keeping silent, when he was expected to sound the trumpet of warning.

One of the chief purposes of prophets recorded in the Bible was to be that voice crying out against the establishment and warning people to repent.

Just because others are not moved to do this, does NOT mean the one called to be critical, to judge, to 'sit on the wall as a watchman' is 'automatically' erring any more than someone is erring who feels called to fast, or mentor a child, or go on a mission trip; we can't put the duties God expects us to carry out into the 'obviously-Christian-works-box' because God does not work that way. We'd, perhaps, like it if He did as it isn't easy to be a watchman, you become a huge target in doing so and it would be far more fun to sing happy songs all day long...or do the things which others easily spot as godly work.

Yet, beyond all that this is also a matter of being an American and free voices of 'dissent' are exactly what our founding fathers had in mind to keep government 'in check'. In fact, there are, or used to be anyway, many checks and balances throughout our system, meant to keep any one leader or group or state/etc. from gaining too MUCH power and influence over the people it governs.

To say to any citizen who feels urged to be factually and reasonably critical of our government, that they are not being 'submissive' and/or 'supportive' makes little sense considering our government is a democracy! The truest type of submission we can give to a DEMOCRACY...IS to stay informed, form our opinions and then speak our minds freely... to blindly submit to a leader merely for the sake of 'supporting our country/leadership' is NOT a democracy--it's more like a D word which I don't have the guts to write out...I'd make a lousy watchman. Ha.