Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Glee in Ridicule

I know nothing about this video. Some church some where with some baby imitating his bombastic preacher. People apparently amused and egging him on.

Internet Monk posted on this. It has been sent to me several times.

OK, this is silly, maybe stupid and doesn't do the cause of Christ much good. The comments made on Internet Monk are sad and narrow in some cases. Religion at it's worst.

There doesn't seem to be much grace for stupidity. Just ridicule. When I see ridicule from unbelievers I'm not shocked. When I see it from those who name the Name I am saddened.

A lot.

I don't know why there is such glee in ridicule. I have suspicions of the whole Susan Boyle phenomena. Simon Cowel is a clever man. He probably orchestrated all this. But the audience ridicule disturbs me. The spirit behind it is a roman persecution spirit.

I have an idea. Let's take some poor saps, say, OH, I don't know, Christians, let's put those poor doofuses in Yankee Stadium with a bunch of lions, tigers and bears. Wouldn't it be fun to ridicule them as they are torn limb from limb for our entertainment? We could even put it on You Tube.

What fun. I'm gonna be sick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Simon Cowell despises singers who don't fit into his perfect "pop singer" mold. It seems to me he despises Susan Boyle but he and his puppet masters see how she can make much $$$$ for them.

Susan Boyle is a real-deal wonderful story but there is a media backlash against her already. They hate her because the common people love her. What I see is they despise her because she's a devoted Catholic who is an ordinary person with big dreams who put them all aside to look after her aged mother. She's the Brit equivalent of an American red-state 'values' voter. No wonder she attracts scorn from liberals...