Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's not about YOU Church

I have been interested in a few posts about finding the perfect church which often deteriorates into what's wrong with the churches I can't find that I would like to find.

Internet Monk has such a post right now.
When I read the comments I am amused and saddened at the same time. I don't think they would approve of Jesus if he came bodily to earth and started a church. Here are samples of the comments (my responses in red):

Tyler, Texas
Authenticity, no praise band ROB, I think you equate authenticity with tradition. Not the same. I have seen rampant inauthentic traditionalism.

What we’re looking for: Something with a “mere orthodoxy” focus, respect for tradition, and a healthy balance of essential doctrine, Scripture and serious spiritual formation for new Christians. What we DON’T want: Sorry to include this last bit, but having been recently exposed to so-called “prophetic evangelism,” “apostolic revival” and so on, my wife and I want to avoid neo-Pentecostalism. We’re not cessationists, per se, but neither do we embrace the extremes that have recently manifested in the charismatic movement. I guess this writer is OK with extremes manifested in the traditional movements. Extremes of no stretching at all. Extremes of nothing fresh, new and in particular the Holy Ghost. The day of Pentecost might have been too extrema.

Currently we are attending a seeker-sensitive-purpose-driven-marriage-relationships-finances - oh so culturally aware and relevant church complete with the kickin’ praise band. We are at this church only b/c we fled our previous church when the prophets and apostles moved in. (out of the frying pan and into the fire? or maybe the other way?) We get very little substantive content beyond felt needs, so I’m a “self-feeder” with my Treasury of Daily Prayer and sermon podcasts. I think it's good you are a self feeder. I hope what you are feeding on will build you properly. Some self feeding can cause an unbalanced diet. Look at children, they would eat the wrong food if someone wouldn't stop them. AND, I know you respect Evangelists, Teachers and Pastors. I wonder what you do with the rest of Ephesians 4? Just tear it out of your Bible? They may not have been Good Apostles and Prophets, but not all Pastors and Teachers are GOOD either. Baby went out with the bath water here I think.

there are a million seeker sensitive and word faith churches like the one i just left so please please please if you can refer a reformed, or confessional Lutheran church i’d appreciate it.
I'm sure you will find one if you keep your eyes open. It'll be easy to find a place to park and a place to sit. It's a dying form, and frankly, it should be. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is LIFE.

I was at a Service last Sunday night. The young pastor spoke about reaching the younger people. He was radical in ways that made me fidget a bit. The music too loud, I couldn't understand the words. BUT, It works. The Lord spoke to me in this time and said, "Gene, It's not about you".

My friend John had just such an experience at an emergent church in Michigan. He writes about it here. I read it and smiled. John, the Lord would say, It's not about you. In fact if you have been in "Church" for 20 years or more it's probably not about you either.

My prejudices, the way I think Church ought to be "Done" has nothing to do with WHAT GOD WANTS. I love the imaginary church of my dreams. It's just what my dreams are. Maybe I need to love the Church that is working. It probably doesn't look like what I see in my Dreams.

It's not about you or ME.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since when was it ever about you or me? Seems to me thats what a lot of those comments (and a lot of churches) are all about-comfort zone, dead religion and not anything having to do with the Spirit. Been there done that -and aint going or looking back.

I hope they don't try changing their minds at Judgment. In the mean time, let the Spirit work on them. Not everyone is meant to harvest. Some are meant to plant seed. It never says anywhere in the Bible everyone will be saved. Truth is they won't.

But we can still try, cant we?