Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Harmony of the Gospels

I have friend who forwarded this article to me and concluded that because of the premise the scriptures weren't consistent or accurate and couldn't be trusted.

I didn't make a vigorous defense because I didn't study it out. Finally I did. Hooey. That's what the article is. It's what you get when someone is trying to get his PhD.

The scripture is fully in sync, in harmony with each other. The thing that tripped me up for a day or two was the flight to Egypt from Bethlehem and the slaughter of the innocents.

Once upon reading further, it was clear that Mary and Joseph stayed for a time in Bethlehem. Maybe a long time. This wasn't a vacation. This was a trek. One from which a mom and a newborn weren't about to engage in again.

I am always of the assumption that the Bible is right. If you disagree with it, you are wrong.

That settles it for me........

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