Wednesday, April 01, 2009

News Flash from 860BC - CNN Israel

Dateline Israel:
In the second year of the drought and famine in our country King Ahab's Press Spokesman admitted today that there was a warning. It wasn't taken seriously by the King or his wife when it was given. A Prophet who supposedly represents Yahweh by the name of Elijah is rumored to have said that there would be 3 1/2 years of drought. He has not been taken seriously by the king or his wife since all the Priests of Prophets of BAAL have said that things are going to be OK, that rain will come any day now.

The king said that it wasn't a good idea to torment his people with the idea that there might be some difficult days in the future. His job as King is to make sure his people are undisturbed.

And THAT is the reaction I have received from many in the Body of Christ to a warning about things to come. Don't disturb the sheep. Let them go to the slaughter without being aware. If you choose to ignore or hide your head and by default the heads of your people in the sand, pastor, you are committing the sin of Ahab and will be judged. It's a warning direct from the throne. The priests and Prophets of Baal are wrong. Things are about to change. A Lot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many are asking, "What can we do to stop all this"? How can we stop the agendas of the President, White House and Congress? How do we unite and do this in a way pleasing to the Lord? Do we as 'the people' have the right to impeach what is totally trying to change us to socialism and take away the freedoms and foundation on which we were founded? We have tried corresponding with Congress and the White House to find they have no ear for 'the people' nor do they value our constitution or democracy.

What can we do Prophet Gene and still glorify our Father in Heaven.