Monday, June 15, 2009

Divine Church Order is a House made of Living Stones, NOT BOARDS

I am watching a slow motion train wreck.

I'll bet you would enjoy my telling you all about it. NOPE. Too many confidences. Too many relationships at risk.

But, I know this. There is no place in ministry for boards in the house of God. The existence of boards is usually a desire for consensus. I understand that.

God's defined order is First in the House there to be an apostolic overseer. One who carries a vision and a direction that came from the throne. Sometimes that vision will be one given him or her directly from Father. Other times it will be a vision that a presbytery of prophets in the house will have given him. Preferable a combination where visions are submitted and developed.

The prophets, if they are true prophets, will give this vision in unity. God doesn't argue with himself.

The apostle will declare and proclaim the vision to set it in motion. The Prophets will watch as watchmen on the wall. The the Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists will execute the vision by equipping the saints to carry out the will of God.

Since it all comes from the throne, there will be little argument.

In the end, God will be glorified. He will be honored. And he will cause favor in the house.

This is the will of the Father in heaven.

Of course there will be well equipped saints to gather and distribute information, resources, ministry function, table waiting if you will. And, sometimes they are going to come to the Prophets to inquire of God regarding situations and circumstances. If the Apostle of the house becomes derailed in some area, the prophets will need to hear of it and then deal with the Apostle of the house.

Sometimes those people will be gathered into groups, committees. The problem is, they will become little kingdom's unto themselves not submitted to the vision.

The problem with committees, boards is they become vision casters, groups of Apostles. God's plan was never meant to be this way. It doesn't work.

God's house is to be made up of living stones, not boards.

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