Saturday, June 13, 2009

Letterman - Palin.....It's an Unfair Fight

Muhammed Alli vs Pee Wee Herman.

Palin vs Letterman.

Same Difference.

What has he ever done that amounted to anything? Made a lot of money as a one up on a time funny man. Big Whoop.

Now sir, you are a stupid bitter old man who's good till date is long since past.

Toss the refuse out - you're over pal. And, by the bye, don't get too huffy about someone bearing a bastard child. You have not a single stone to throw.

And in the other corner....

Sarah Palin, Someday perhaps President Palin, Governor, Businesswoman, Mayor, VP candidate and a darn shrewd negotiator. She just nailed a great deal for the State of Alaska.

They aren't even in the same ring. He's lived in a sheltered playpen and She lives in Real Life.

What has he EVER done that amounted to anything? Ever? I'll wait right here.

The answer he is a zero.

1 comment:

Reaganite Republican Resistance said...

Letterman is a deranged slob- and his tired 1985 schtick’s about as funny as a train wreck. I say give Todd Palin five minutes alone with this creep- maybe then he’d get the hard education in moral clarity that he so obviously lacks.

And if Sarah Palin is SO silly and irrelevant, why the obsession?

Clearly the Left noted her appeal, and are out to eliminate the threat- it’s not like it’s not obvious. She’s been highly successful in life while ignoring the left-wing feminist model… this helps to explain the extra dose of venom in the attacks.

Go get em, Sarah- and don’t mind the press, nobody will be listening to them anymore after the pending Obamamania implosion-