Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A picture of the whore church and the true church in Tiller Murder

This post has a few things in it's content and particularly in it's comments that tell us of the split taking place in all of Christianity. There is a unity of separation that is causing those who know and love the Living Christ and are passionate to serve him and those who have a godless form of world religion. This was prophesied by the John the revelator long ago. It is here.

This split is most represented by the Tiller membership and service in an ELCA church where he found refuge and acceptance when a LCMS congregation excommunicated him.

Excommunication is a rarely used act but if someone is in total rebellion and refuses to repent they must be turned away.

Tiller was.

This whole article is worth reading and the comments revealing. The whole of Christianity is going thru a church split, it's long overdue, it revolves around key issues of righteousness. In the end there will be only one true church and the unified ecumenical whore.

I know where I plan to be. Choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The comments following this article were interesting in that Christians seem to spend alot of time over what the world thinks of things such as Missouri Synod vs ELCA.
Anyone who would be genuinely interested would find the answers but all others will take bits and pieces to self justify their current beliefs.