Saturday, June 27, 2009

Things that DON'T work

We in the USA now have leadership intent on pushing down our throats things that DON'T work. Thing untested and more important unconsidered. Unthought thru.

  • Wind power for more than a fractional part of our power needs
  • Bio Fuels (this one is a boondoggle)
  • Hybrid cars (never made sense, never will)
  • Plug in electrics for more than just a few miles (I would like one, but I would have to think carefully where I would drive when I did)
  • Green Jobs (doing WHAT)

Meanwhile things that DO work are abandoned. Oil we have on our own territory, Coal, Oil Shale, Nuclear, many things that are abandoned because they don't fit into a parameter that we seem to have built that is not going to work.

Monkey's running the zoo. The denial of science.

OH, and that's another thing. There is no human caused global warming. Never was. It's all a lie.

It doesn't work.


Anonymous said...

Gene, its not about the environment. It is about controlling people's lives. They want to dictate what you can drive, what kind of electricity you use as far as source, and what kind of products you can buy. Then, they can tax you on the products you didn't want, but are the only ones available. This will all be while they live in their mansions and fly in their private jets. I don't have anything agaist either mansions or private jets. What I do have a problem with is hypocrisy.

Uncle Brian said...

Gene, FYI - here's more evidence that Gov. interference does not work, from no-less than the Fed. Reserve bank in the heart of the liberal state of MN!

Highlights from the research essay: "Unproductive firms need to die... efforts to keep [them] in operation depress
productivity. The market makes better decisions than the government about which firms
should survive and which should die."