Thursday, June 25, 2009

When it all becomes TOO real

I have a friend who's son is battling the cancer demon. I know most every single healing passage in the Bible, and I can make some speak of healing without blinking.

When it becomes more than difficult is when someone who knows this as well as I do is facing the demon down and the demon roars back.

I become angry. Not at God. At the Devil. I cry out.

I read this morning where Heidi Baker cries out, "If you don't show up God, we're all dead".

Sometimes it's all just too real. I guess that's where the Lord has us all today, if we don't live this with expectation that God WILL show up we're all dead anyway.

My certainty of the healing power and will of God is unmoved. I am without doubt. Once again, it's the power of what, just not WHEN.

"If you don't show up God, we're all dead".


Anonymous said...

I am wondering what it means to say "If you don't show up God, we're all dead" when we know God does not leave us or forsake us. This disturbs me more then the thought of a momentary suffering which according to scripture produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Ron McK said...

Are you asking God to heal him, or are you healing, him as Jesus commanded you to do?