Saturday, February 18, 2012

Always Amusing. The best sellers are populated by conservative and christian books. Wassup with that. Must drive liberals crazy. Ameritopia, Heaven is for real, Killing Lincoln, American Sniper, The Vow, and if you go down a bit further, you find many conservative and christian books on best seller lists. We live in a basically conservative nation-with a sense of humor
Browse best seller lists, book reviews & news for authors, fiction & non-fiction, literature, biographies, memoirs, children's books, science fiction & self-help."

1 comment:

Fallout said...

“The best sellers are populated by conservative and christian books. Wassup with that. Must drive liberals crazy.”

Things would be so much different in this country if we had an honest press. The press has manipulated the public in accepting ungodly values because the truth is distorted or hidden from them.

The thought of Newt Gingrich as president makes me think of all the possibilities on how he would rattle their cage to the point of making a difference in public opinion. Of course the press would fire back and it would get ugly.

The media has been working to crush Gingrich ever since he came out with the Contract with America. In the late 1990's it was headlines everyday about his ethics charges even though all were dropped but one. The press beat him into powder. Claimed that he resigned in disgrace. I remember thinking at that time that the press does not want him to rise up and be president.

Satan is the god of the airwaves.