Saturday, March 10, 2012

We don't Need no steekin Austerity

There is no austerity. On January 20, 2001 (Bush took office) our federal deficit was 5.7 Trillion He was in office 8 years. When he left office and Obama took over the deficit he inherited was 10.6 trillion. Bush nearly doubled the federal deficit in his 8 years in office. That's money we don't have. Obama starting point from which he promised to cut the federal deficit in half was 10.6 trillion. Now 3.3 years later the federal deficit is $15.5 trillion (as of this morning) and increasing every second. You personally owe $49,698 of this debt. PAY UP. To put all this in perspective, rather than cutting the federal deficit in half as he promised. Instead of halting the spending that caused Obama to call Bush unpatriotic for spending like he did, we are on a trajectory to end up with 23 trillion in debt by the end of 8 years (God forbid) of the Obama administration. If nothing changes he will have added 12 trillion dollars in debt by the end of his term. Greece will look good compared to us. Let me be MUCH more clear. IF we get to that point, there will BE no United States of America. We will be either the divided states of America with the union dissolved or we will be subject state to the dictatorship of our creditors. China will call the tune more than they do now. OR Russia. OR...if you believe in such things... AntiChrist....will rule our nation. We are on the verge of national collapse...and we argue about who should steer the sinking ship. How about figuring out how to stop sinking. Firing the captain would be a good first step, but there are a LOT of others badly in need of firing.
Douglas Holtz-Eakin writes on NRO: The specter of austerity lies heavy on America. Hardly a day passes without another warning from New York Times whiner and erstwhile economist Paul Krugman, his colleague Nicholas Kristof, and the legion of other progressive apologists that “austerity” is threateni...

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