Saturday, March 10, 2012

Why the Panic??

If you want an education on how and why our national debt (the deficit) will destroy the USA as you used to know it, unintentionally probably, the writers of the TV show Castle nailed it. In the second of two episodes starting with Pandora there is a moment of discovery of the Linchpin. As they stand there figuring out what could happen, they suddenly have a revelation of what will happen when the world stops financing our national debt...let's us starve..our military collapses...our society implodes.

We are very close to that now...because of the insanity and incompetence of our governmental leaders and those who keep electing these people. Some people in government today should be in prison right now for their maleficence in the cell next to Bernie Madoff. Illinois is the worst offender of the lot, we are the single most badly governed state in the union...but...the USA is not far behind.

You can see the whole episode on HULU. BUT if you saw the show, you now understand why the panic over our economic fragility in the USA. Our nation is in the balance...right now. IF you think I am overreacting, you don't really understand the seriousness of the situation. I will trust the Lord. I'll be OK, but my country will be gone, and that IS a crime that should be punished.

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