Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Cultural Drift

Our culture is in trouble because we have made Sin an American virtue. Look around you, We are in big trouble because people no longer have discipline.

Pride (Too much self esteem) Everybody gets an A in School. No one Flunks. Everybody gets a trophy who plays

Envy (Wanting what others have) Lottery, lawsuits, theft, robbery, divorce

Greed (The love of material things, particularly over God) watch the TV Commercials

Gluttony (love of physical pleasure, particularly with food and drink) walk the street, go to a buffet restaurant

Lust (disordered love of sexual pleasure) PORN-O-RAMA and most TV. Last night I watched Castle on TV and found myself laughing at fornication. I repented.

Wrath (unjust anger) listen to talk radio (left and right), look at the recent anger over Trayvon.

Sloth (laziness, particularly the desire to be provided for without productive work) look at the people who demand financial bailouts by riot,

There's a reason these are called the seven deadly sins. They are murdering our culture.

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