Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Does Obama Know How the Supreme Court Voted?

The storm that erupted yesterday when Barack Obama woke up and discovered the Supreme Court of the United States was not only not elected but it could overturn “duly passed” laws, even those passed in the dead of the night by the barest of purchased majorities, has been more than adequately covered on these pages and others by actual lawyers and those who think they are.

I’m pretty sure Obama knows what Marbury v. Madison is, even though yesterday he gave a darned good impression of being a total goober in regards to our Constitution. The simplest explanation is that he knows how the vote went on Friday and is working to change that vote, failing that he is setting the predicate for running against the Supreme Court in November.
Does Obama Know How the Supreme Court Voted? | RedState

1 comment:

margaret said...

My guess: he knows. To put it charitably - he doesn't take bad news well. If it had been good news, why attack the SC??

The SC hearing went incredibly badly for his side - from all reports. May the abomination of a law be voted down!!