Monday, June 04, 2012

Rick Perry: Electing Barack Obama Was Our National "Oops" Moment

"People ask me 'what was it like to run for the presidency of the United States?' and I tell them, I say let me tell you, I was the frontrunner for a while and it was the three most exhilarating hours of my life," he quipped to delegates at the North Carolina Republican Convention.

His penchant for self-deprecating humor and one-liners was on full display, even as he tried to score points at President Barack Obama's expense.

"Three and a half years, nearly 100 rounds of golf. Barack Obama has exploded the debt in this country. He has passed a stimulus program that grew government and not the economy. He socialized health care and he armed Mexican drug cartels," Perry said.

"Admit it America, 2008 was our national “oops” moment," he added — a reference to his infamous debate gaffe.

Rick Perry: Electing Barack Obama Was Our National "Oops" Moment

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