Friday, September 06, 2013

Do you know this man?

 He grew up in Chicago. Near Cabrini Green. Went to public High School in Indianapolis. Today he is CEO of the McDonalds Corporation. His paycheck last year was $13,751,919. Why don't we know his name? Why is he not honored for his achievement as an example (other than Sports and Rap stars) of the way up? No, instead the community spurred on by comrade Jan Shakowsky (Democrat from IL) criticize him for earning too much money. I guess you can't have a brother earning that kind of money. IF you don't know him, you should and he should be celebrated. When I was a kid I idolized such men. Not sports or music stars. I wanted to be just like them and in a soft way, I am, at least in ambition. Here's the disgusting truth about how the democrat party treats those who should be leaders.

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