Thursday, April 07, 2005

Gloom Doom and a Hope

I have been thru heck the last few days. Unfortunately I can't tell you much about it. It has to do with court, pressues, payments and other things.

This is not the way we think it will be when we hit late middle age.

But, long view. That's what I'm best at. OIL PRICES. Don't whine. By a year from now gas prices will hover around two bucks. Still cheap factoring in everything. On the market instead of $55-60 it will be more around $40. You don't have to believe me. Just live it. Get used to $2 gas. But don't worry about $3.

Of course if I'm wrong you're out nothing. If I'm right you worried for nothing.

I forcast this with conficence since all the "experts" are forecasting doom and gloom. They are nearly always wrong.

So, hang in there. Life will get better. Promise.

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