Saturday, October 08, 2005

American job search

by Vince Corelli
Published October 8, 2005

Chicago -- I woke up one recent morning after setting my alarm clock (made in Japan) while my coffeepot (made in China) was perking. I shaved with my electric razor (made in Hong Kong) and put on a dress shirt (made in Sri Lanka), designer jeans (made in Singapore) and tennis shoes (made in Korea).

After cooking breakfast in my new electric skillet (made in India), I sat down with my calculator (made in Mexico) to see what my budget for the day was.

I set my watch (made in Taiwan) to the radio (made in China), got in my car (made in Germany) and started yet another search for a good-paying American job.

At the end of another fruitless and discouraging day, I decided to relax for a while, put on my sandals (made in Brazil), poured a glass of wine (made in France), turned on my TV (made in Indonesia), and then wondered why I can't find a good-paying job in America.

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