Monday, July 31, 2006

Mel and Me

The press is having a field day with the arrest of Mel Gibson for DUI and his drunken talk in reference to Jews. I have been drunk. I know what it sounds like. I have driven with too much to drink. I know how that feels and what it's like.

OH, don't be so shocked. SO HAVE YOU. I grew up in North Dakota. We didn't have much opera to attend in Dakota so we drank and drove.

If Mel Gibson had been a porn star or a producer of x-rated films there would be no vindictive press as there is over this. But because he produced a blockbuster movie about Jesus they salivate at the skewering.

I feel bad for him. Braveheart was one of the most inspirational movies I ever saw. When he was about to be drawn and quartered he yells "Freedom". That was a moment.

So, there but for the grace of God go I and frankly you. I don't for a minute think he is an anti-Semite. I think he’s a drunk.

But I expect nothing less from the lefty press than to hammer this over and over and over. It's a good think I just heard that Castro is in the hospital seriously Ill. Now they have something to get excited about. I mean, the ADHD press is already tired of the war in the Middle East. That's why they had such a field day with Mel.

Mel buddy, I'm with ya. To heck with them. You da man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As they say, A drunk tells no lies..