Thursday, August 03, 2006

The World is Wrong

Dennis Prager is a talk radio host on 560am in Chicago. I don’t hear him every day but I listen when I can. He is the most rational man on conservative talk radio and that includes Rush.

When I see him write something I read it. He just did. The Moral Bankruptcy of World Opinion. It was right on the money.

He submitted this poweful post for World Net. Read the whole thing. It will help you understand why sometimes doing the right thing is not the popular or even the majority opinion in the USA and Particularly in the World. Just because lots of people think thus and so doesn’t make it right. That's why I, like our beloved President Bush, pay zero attention to polls. They are nearly always wrong. Public opinion is worthless in decision making.

This week the Kansas Board of Education bumped off those nasty Christians who wanted to acknowledge the potential for creation by God of the world and humanity. The idea of openmindedness and free thinking outraged the godless left wing liberal educational establishment. This is further evidence of the total abandonment of all rational principle by public education. This will prove to be a fatal blow/last straw to public education. I'm mad as hell and I ain't gonna take it no more. Millions feel as I do. I can hear it all across America. I'm fed up. This is one more reason all public education should be abolished in favor of vouchers.

You want to send your kids to a school that only teaches the godless liberal party line like they do in the madrassas in Islamic countries? Then you can. Over there teaching whahbism and hatred for Christians and Jews yields brainwashs little kids into being anxious to blow themselves up. That is pretty much what our public education system in America has become. A secular godless humanist madrassa.

Shielding little kids from truth or at least truth which might challenge the secular humanist viewpoint is the goal of the cowardly public education system. Shame on them. How is the godless liberal secular humanist education system any different from the wahabist madrassas in Iran? HMMMM? Let’s do what we can to put a nail in this travesty once and for all. Let’s shut down the liberal brainwashing madrassas or at least don’t force me to send kids there.

Vouchers. That’s the ticket. Tine to stop this now. I'm contacting my congressman Hastert. Stop funding all education yesterday. Implement nationwide vouchers. They work everywhere they are tried.

Public opinion even when expressed in voting isn’t always the best choice. It was a popular vote that put Hitler in office, it was a popular vote that Saddam Hussein won to come to power, it was a popular vote that created the Golden Calf at Mount Sinai leading to the death of thousands, it was a popular vote that crucified Jesus.

Just because people vote doesn’t make it right.

We must fight hard as Christian Conservatives to keep the thugocracy of liberalism from pushing common sense and reason (Which means you are allowed to make rational choices of various opinions) off the pages of our textbooks. Not the censorship of ideas that is going on in Public education today.

The result is the banal uneducated MTV watching people you see on Jay Leno's streetwalking. What's worse is they vote. Yikes.

Vote Republican. It's not conservative enough, but it's better than the liberal moonbats.


Anonymous said...

I don't want my tax money going for abortions, and I don't want my tax money going to pay for vouchers so some kid can attend a madras or other radical religious sect school on my dime. Vouchers funnel money to extremists. I will never support that.

Anonymous said...

This Karma supplies a real minute of clarity for people of my faith. The Evangelic apocalyptic movement is exactly the same as the Muslim extreme fanatics. Conservative to a fault. They want the world to worship in the way that they know indisputably is the right way and there way or else.... we must make war on and kill all the nonbelievers! This is too important to leave to God on judgment day!

Muslim fanatics might but Christian fanatics don't - see the parallels.

Here are a few biblical passage we might all do well to ponder before rushing to destroy ourselves.

Exodus 23:4-5 Be kind to your enemies. Do good to those who hate you.

Exodus 23:7 Be honest. Don't kill the innocent.

Proverbs 3:29-31 Don't devise plots against your neighbor, fight without cause, or imitate an oppressor.

And last but not least....

Ecclesiastes 5:3 "A fool's voice is known by multitude of words."

Let us all put down are swords and megaphones and come together in the spirit of peace. Allow God to work his magic and we all can worship in the house of the Lord some day.