Thursday, March 08, 2007

Loss of a GOOD man

Some people when they pass it's mostly about the ones left behind that's important, or the accomplishments they had, or the work they did. Others are noted for the person they were to others.

Such was LaRoy Bobzien. He was my political science teacher in high school at Ellendale High in ND. He died today.

That is NOT what I remember him for. Oh, we had "Discussions". I think I was just a bit overopinionated for a teenager. He was tolerant and kind. Not dismissive. Even when I was aggressive which was too often he wasn't offended. I misunderstood his tolerance and kindness.

Only as an adult in returning to Ellendale and seeing him on the street, in a cafe, or at a function, when we talked then only did I discover the measure of the man. Kind, Tolerant and accepting. I enjoyed him. Later I told him how good it was to have had him as a teacher and how decent he was. I wasn't being condescending in spite of the fact that I can be, I wasn't being disingenuous, I meant it.

So to the Bobzien family my deepest sympathy. He was a good man. We have lost a GOOD man. May we all try to be that kind of man, not maybe famous, not maybe nationally recognized, but decent, kind, tolerant, and GOOD.

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