Thursday, August 09, 2007

All the News that Isn't Reported

I have been tough on the mainline press for misreporting the news. They deserve it. What I think is even more deceiving is the silence exhibited when major events in the Christian world take place. They are totally blacked out.

Such an event took place last week. Over 102,000 people gathered in Angel Stadium in Anaheim California to hear and see and experience the presence of God. Greg Laurie who is a pastor from that area put this on.

Almost exactly a month ago there was a similar even with not quite a hundred thousand people who gathered in Nashville for the Call. Not the same people of course.

There was a little bit of news coverage on Nashville and NONE on Anaheim.

So, here's the question. If 100,000 homosexuals, environmentalists, African Americans, or any other group were to gather in some stadium to make a statement would it get press?

Of course. There'd be wall to wall 24/7 coverage helicopters and all.

But, if it's a Christian thing the silence is deafening. I did a detailed google search to find even ONE secular news source reporting this capacity and standing room only crusade. Nothing.

But the good news is, they are happening with our without the news coverage it actually deserves. We are coming. We are rising. They will not ignore us long.

"It's rising up all around.
It's the anthem of the Lord's renown.
And together we sing...Holy is the Lord God Almighty!!"

We're here to take over. Hang on world here we come. God will save the day.


Anonymous said...

once again, you recycle complaints and claims that are not true. several hundred thousand peace protesters gathered on many successive weeks in major cities for nearly a year before any of them got any press, such was the 'conspiracy of the conservative press' - but you selectively forget that.

Anonymous said...

Maybe because it ain't the news yoiu claim it is. First fact, the stadium capacity is 45,000 so no way 100,000 were there at once. Turns out this was a THREE day event, which means over the course of the three daysl the stadium was not even filled to capacity.

Rock concerts routinely fill such venues several nights in a row.

At Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro February 18, 2006 there were over a million people in attendance at one time for a Rolling Stones concert.

And of those 100,000 spread out over three days, only 9000 'came forward'. Could we compare that to the 20,000 that are on their feet dancing at the average Stones or Dylan or R.E.M. concert where the stadium IS sold out?

They say God is the details and the details of your reporting leave a lot of accuracy to be desired.

Gene said...

My bad, "Helen".

You of course are right.

Still in all, insignificant?

Al, I don't think peace demonstrators miss any press. It's just that no one ever turns out for those events. I remember one with great coverage that got about 600 people out.

I'll speak publically to that many people this week.

I think your several hundred thousand is hyperbole of the worst kind.

I'm just saying..........

Anonymous said...

well, i don't know how to insert a link but you can to to wikipedia and do a search on Iraq war protests and get a date by date listing of protests around the world, many of which were before the war began and WERE attended by oh, 150,000 or 200,000 - nsure, many were only in the tens of thousands. but the point is they didn't get much news coverage in this country, did they? not even the big ones with tens of thousands got much press because the media that you claim is liberal went along with your president to pretend this was was a good idea. correct in saying the media is not always accurate and unbiasede, but incorrect in claiming the bias is always on the liberal side. there are more people against this war than you would like to admit, and there have been since the start. and the media never reported that fairly. and it was bigger news than a weekend religious convention attended by a few thousand per night - and how many of those attendees went more than one night so are double or triple counted in your total? don't demand accuracy and fairness unless you are willing to grant it.