Thursday, August 09, 2007

Myth of Islam

I know lots of people have believed the lie that Islam is taking over the world of faith.

It's just not true.

Using a refined analysis of this chart you can make with confidence this statement:

If there were only 1000 people on the earth:

330 would be Christian in some form
180 would be Muslim in some form
160 would be atheist or non believing
140 would be some extraction of Hindu
60 would be Buddhist in some form
60 would be tribal animists in some form
60 would be traditional ancestor worship in some form
8 would be other like Scientoligist, Rastafarian, Unitarian, wicca et al
2 would be Jewish

Surprised? Don't argue with me. Argue with the statistic. I made a small switch in the Islamic category to represent some Islamic sects that do NOT embrace traditional Islam. I got that from Dr. Douglas Beacham. I believe his analysis of the numbers.

In that same population of a thousand there would be:
584 Asians and near east peoples**
123 Africans**
95 Europeans
84 Latin Americans**
55 former soviet union countries
29 north Americans
30 all others including Australia and Indonesia**

Where is Christianity spreading fastest?

  1. China**
  2. Africa**
  3. Latin America**
  4. Australia**
  5. Indonesia**

Where the slowest growth of Christianity?
North America and Europe

Russia is in between.

Where is Islam spreading the fastest. It's not. Some in Africa, some in North America and Some in Europe. But it's a tough recruiting job when you mention stoning, burkas, suicide bombing and other things that make it all so darn attractive.

The fastest growing spiritual movement in the world is Pentecostal Christianity. There is no runner up. Almost any growing church in Africa, China and latin America is Pentecostal in expression.

This gives me great hope that soon in the USA, Canada and in Europe we will see things catch fire. It will take some pain first. We used to sing, send the rain. Maybe we should sing, send the pain.

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