Thursday, August 16, 2007

Left falls off the edge of the earth

The question was raised, Which is dumber, more vile, more ignorant and which is worse, Daily Kos or Huffington Post. I won't link to either one although if you will go to the website that first asked this question you can find it.

I think Kos is more stupid and Huffpost more vile.

Either way, the left has gone completely nuts. Again.

Couldn't we just have loyal opposition by sane humans, Please. Leave the whack jobs at home?

Too much to ask.

Case in point.
Daily Kos now declares that Jose Padilla is a martyr. Never mind that a jury convicted him, just like Scooter Libby, Ken Lay and Bernie Ebbers. Wait, those aren't terrorists and the left only loves terrorists so the only jury convictions that are wrong are against terrorists.

Yea, I get it. NOT!

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