Monday, August 13, 2007

Retreat and Advance

I mentioned in a previous post that I spent Friday pm thru Sunday Afternoon at a men's retreat with about 50 other men.
This had been a dream of mine for these men for a long time.  I am so glad it came off as it did.  It was a success.
Most of the men had a tremendous breakthrough.  This will change everything.  It did for me when I went thru it nearly 30 years ago. 
The good news is we have broken thru to many.  Men's lives were changed which means families will change and the church they attend will change.
This means good things for Lord of Life Lutheran Church in LaFox IL, A place that is no place.  That became even more Clear as Pastor Phil spoke of the Kingdom of God not being on any map.  A place that is no place.  I think the prophetic meaning is becoming clear.
Now the next steps begin to take place.  New renewal, new relationships and new growth.  We meet again on the 18th.  Next steps will come in that meeting for those who attend.  Further advance.
I am sad because not everyone made the same trip in advancement on this retreat.  A few chose to get off the bus.  I have huge spiritual goals.   I'm never satisfied with anything but revolution.  I don't see anything more important than being a part of the Metamorphosis of Christianity from what it was into what God desires it to be.  Changing the face of Christianity in ONE Generation.  That's God's agenda. 
We are 23 years into a process that started on June 9th 1994.  That was a date prophesied long ago by Prophet John I. Hinkle that the change would begin.  It was widely criticized, poo pooed and put down as false prophesy.   People didn't understand the change and how it would manifest.  I even sat that day and recorded everything that happened expecting some monumental event.  Sure there were a few.  But, like the birth of Jesus it manifested quietly even though prophesied and again is manifesting slowly.  We are now 23 years into the generation.  If that generation is 33 as Jesus' was there isn't much time.  If it's 40 maybe a little more.  But things are changing. Since 1994 things have accelerated in changing the Kingdom.   Nothing today is as it was before 1994 spiritually.  Reflect on what you see in Christianity today versus 23 years ago.  Those who have fought the change have already hung Ichabod over the door.  Those who continue to fight the change will continue to hang it.  Here's your sign.
I want to be part of it.  I want to push, pull, cajole, encourage, harass, anger, irritate, frustrate, persuade, call, prophesy and anything else I can do to ADVANCE (not retreat) the part of the  Kingdom of God I have influence over.
Let's advance. There is no retreat into cold dead works.

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