Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I love to debate politics, global warming, energy policy, even theology. It's all fun intellectual exercise.

The real issue as a minister of Jesus Christ I am confronted with is:

We are one generation from the extinction of Christianity.

That doesn't mean a church. That means the knowledge of God. The old Testament is full of those kinds of examples in Kings and Chronicles. People lose touch, rough times come, they come back, good times come, they lose touch and round and round it goes.

I fight so hard for establishing Christianity in my generation because without that the next will have nothing to link to.

God wants to change the face of Christianity in this generation but he must do it by renewal and restoration. Not renewal back to the things of old. When God says, "behold I do a new thing" it's going to be new to YOU.

We must make the life of Jesus alive in this generation and the next so that the Sword of Damocles of extinction that hangs over every Christian Generation's head won't fall in the next.

If God should remove his hand of protection from us in this country because the next generation forgot Him we would suffer and our grandchildren and our grandchildren's children would suffer worse.

So, fight the good fight of faith, don't give up, don't let up, preserve a true faith, not churchianity, not some denomination; devotion to Jesus.

That's all that stands between today and extinction.

I'm not fearful. I see good things over the horizon. I'm a passionate ecologist in a spiritual sense. I don't take for granted that generations to come will come to faith in Jesus if we allow the spiritual environment to atrophy to an uninhabitable state.

Let's pump some new O2 into the mix shall we?

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