Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ann and the Jews

Darling Ann has gone and got into trouble with nominal Jews. Religious Jews aren't offended. Devoted Christians don't understand the whole uproar.

Jesus gave us this troublesome great commission thingy. If we are a Christian and we haven't inked out those passages or torn those pages from our Bibles, we must with confidence say "the world would be a better place if everyone were a Christian"; and if everyone includes Jews, then Jews would be better off as Christians. I can say by the authority of the Word of God (the BIBLE) that it is Gods will for EVERYONE to be a Christian.

Where is the flaw in that unless you don't believe in Jesus? Then it doesn't matter what you think. You can think anything you want to. Just don't pretend you believe in Jesus but doubt it would be good for everyone to be a Christian. You are headed for hell in a hand basket on a fast train if you do. Enjoy the ride because the last stop is a killer.

If we say we are Christian and we disagree with Ann's logic we should stop at the welcome center in our Churches and turn in our name badges. We are CINOs. Christian in Name Only. Lots of name badges should be turned in next Sunday if people were honest. How did the Church drift so far from the truth of the Gospel?

Only the anti American politically correct irreligious atheists are offended. The rest of us hope they will all take a flying leap. Spiritually of Course. That leap of faith. The world would be a better place if everyone were a Christian. I'll keep trying to see if I can do my little part to bring it to pass. How bout you?


Anonymous said...

Isn't it the belief of every religion that every one would be better off being of their religion? Isn't the premise of all religions that theyr beleif set is THE correct one? Do not nearly all religions beleive that the only way for spiritual salvation is thruough their beliefs and practices? Even atheists think religious are wasting their time on earth and tresspassing all over others' right so would like everyone to give up the folly of religion to be an atheist.
There are two issues worth discussing:
One - how would the religious group have this conversion happen? By force? By law? By reaching aggressively out to nonbelievers? By teaching those that come to them? By making their beleifs available to those who ask? By killing anyone promoting any other beliefs? Different groups have used different means throughout history and some means are ethical and some are not. Atheists offering information to those curious and offering support to those insecure about their doubts seeems ethical. Churches opening their doors and their classes and their meetings to non-members seems ethical. Incorporating relition into government sponsoered education of children is going too far. Using psychological tricks to indoctrinate is unethical. Killing those promotoing other religions is obviously wrong.
The other issue in THIS converation is that Ann Coulter's comments are the basis for having the conversation now. And Ann's motives were not to engage us in thoughtful debate but to sell books. She did not say it to be thought provoking but to be publicity generating, which it was, and so it seems a little disingenious to let it draw us into discussion.
But it certainly is true that all religions do want everyone to be like them. And it it a good thing for every branch of Christianity and Judism and Islam and Wicca and atheism to ADMIT that. And it is good for each to admit that they are actively engaged in that pursuit snd to then examine the ethics of their means of attempting to achieve it.

Anonymous said...

I can say by the authority of the Word of God (the BIBLE) that it is Gods will for EVERYONE to:

Abstain from lobster as they are an abomination.

Abstain from wearing mixed fabric clothing as they are an abomination.

Buy slaves from people who are your neighbors and if your slaves have kids…they are yours for life.

Kill all homosexuals.

Kill all adulterers.

Kill children who sass their parents.

Refrain from BLT’s for eating pigs….yep…abomination.

If we say we are Christian and we disagree with GOD’s logic we should stop at the welcome center in our Churches and turn in our name badges.

Gene said...
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Gene said...

RBB says, If I am a Christian I must:

Abstain from lobster as they are an abomination.
(Abomination is strong but not a great idea.  I had lobster last night and I feel so darn guilty)

Abstain from wearing mixed fabric clothing as they are an abomination.
(Not abomination, but bad idea.  This was before preshrunk clothing.  God didn't want his people looking bad.

Buy slaves from people who are your neighbors and if your slaves have kids…they are yours for life. 
Kind of like my daddy worked for GM, I work for GM and my boy Sonny is gonna work for GM.  Same deal.  Selling their freedom for working for the man and union.  Unlike cabinet makers and nurserymen who are slave to no man.

Kill all homosexuals, Kill all adulterers, Kill children who sass their parents. 
I'm thinking about that one.  OK, I thought about it.  Let's just threaten to kill them.  That'll keep the don't ask don't tell policy in check and we won't have so much sex in public homo or hetero.  There is no actual evidence that anyone ever actually stoned their kid for sassing.  But, dragging out the big book and showing your sassy 13 year old that passage might have slowed her down some.  I'm not sure this was a bad thing.

Refrain from BLT’s for eating pigs….yep…abomination. 
OK, now we're getting personal here.  God outlawed pork for health reasons.  Come to think about it same with lobsters which are just big seabound insects, God understood that in these days we would have huge industrialized confinement factory hog farms with sterilized facilities and hormone drug injected pork.  MMMMMMM.

Or, maybe I'll just skip that BLT for lunch.

Good stuff RBB.

Anonymous said...

God outlawed pork for health reasons. Come to think about it same with lobsters which are just big seabound insects, God understood that in these days we would have huge industrialized confinement factory hog farms with sterilized facilities and hormone drug injected pork. MMMMMMM.

So….are you saying that Gods’ original laws, GODS’ LAWS, have been amended to reflect our modern culinary technology.
Did God send down some new laws?
Burning bushes?
Perhaps a day tripper just down from Mount Sinai with new and improved tablets now with 23% let fat?
Were they re written by men – pig farmers or lobstermen by chance?
Are others laws sent down from beyond the pearly gates subject to revision? Who would chose?
Can we vote?

Either you wear the badge or you don’t, Gene.

Which is it my friend?

goprairie said...

and if it is okay to eat pork now, why isn't it okay to be gay now??
if it is okay to wear cotton and linen together, or in the case of my kids, hemp and organic cotton, why isn't it okay to be gay now? just as we have better pork raising and cooking techniques and preshrinking, we have CONDOMS so gay sex is safe now. WOULD a little consistency be okay here?