The only thing that might be helpful is that Juan Carlos of Spain, who helped destroy fascism, has called Chavez for being the boob that he is. He may have given the opposition enough courage to squelch things.
BUT, I'm a German. I know well what happens when a dictator is apparently crushed. They are like cancer. They come back. Chavez tasted infinite power and believes the Hollywood nutcases who are sycophants for any left wing despotism.
He'll be back. This ain't over.
What I wrote last night:
It appears as if Hugo Chavez has brought full blown socialism to the country of Venezuela. I visited there many years ago when it was a free country but now it has become a hell hole of socialistic, even communistic decline.
This is a reason why people who don't pay taxes shouldn't vote. The ignorant vote has made him dictator for life. Just like in Cuba. Mike Moore's favorite country.
This is good news for Sean Penn who just got a grant to make an anti American movie from Chavez.
Kevin Spacey is Hugo's buddy.
Naomi Campbell loves the Chavez, dictator for life.
This is Danny Glovers partner.
Cindy Sheehan went bonkers when Chavez received her.
Harry Belefonte embraced him and called Bush Hitler.
The left has been happy to see Venezuela become a communist dictatorship.
Well, left wing, how's hat going so far. The far radical left in the USA are sedationist and traitors. Why aren't they being water boarded? I would start with Belefonte. DE---O!
Here is what someone else said:
I don’t see anything about Chavez that the American Democrat party disagrees with. Democrats have long championed public indoctrination for every child in a government-controlled, tax-funded school. Many Democrats insist that conservative media needs to be shut down. Nationalized corporations? Does anyone believe that the 3 leading Dem candiates for Pres don’t get giddy at the prospect of the seizure of corporate assets by the State?
Chavez has just been able to accomplish the Democrat Party’s goals for America. Why would any American liberal fail to embrace Chavez? He should be their hero. Tyranny shmyrrany!
Don't you just hate it when democracy actually reflects the wishes of the people as opposed to the dictates of the American Empire? LOL!
¡Viva la Revolución Bolivariana!
¡Viva El Processo!
¡Viva Chavez!
Los amigos americanos de Presidente Chavez y la Revolución en inglés...
Americans for Chavez
Bolivarian Circle 'Chief Tierra Blanca'
"This is a reason why people who don't pay taxes shouldn't vote."
I'll trade my vote for paying no taxes anyday.
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