Drew Peterson, alleged by some to be involved in the disappearance of his 4th wife Stacey and the death of his 3rd wife likely shopped the cop supply store next door.
If he had perhaps he heard a strain or two of music coming thru the walls. Or someone praying.
I don't know.
I do know that if he did indeed visit the Cop Supply Shop in Bolingbrook he was only inches away from the manifested presence of God. If he had turned right 10 feet and walked in the door what could that have meant?
I'm speculating. What I'm not speculating on is the huge numbers of people missing God every day. Inches away. Never seeing him.
Jesus talked more about seeing the Kingdom of Heaven than going to heaven. The Kingdom is here now on this side of the veil. The Kingdom is where He is King.
The doors to the cop shop (on my right, your left) are one kingdom. The one to IHOP is the another. One door can lead to eternal life. The other??? Stacy Peterson is gone and by most presumed dead.
Missed em. Missed em both. A miss is good as a mile.
Scott Peterson? You mean Drew Peterson (check your link). Scott Peterson is the guy out here in CA who killed his wife then dumped her into SF Bay. She was Lacey Peterson. The names are close, maybe too close for comfort. I read where you said disappearance of his 4th wife and death of his 3rd, and wondered if he had been released from jail and remarried!
Yep, I'm and idiot, and a little clumsy.
Drew it is.
I'll change my blog.
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