Sunday, March 09, 2008

What I think the whole Global Warming caused by Humans will lead to

I just heard that Australia has decided that we can't drive cars anymore. I know Al Gore wants a huge carbon tax. Kyoto treaty hobbles the world economy. People drive funny cars named Prius. Overall I hate pollution, want to live clean but don't believe that CO2 is pollution. It's byproduct and cycles up and down.

I also think we have nothing whatever to do with Global Warming and Cooling Cycles. Anything we do or try to do is as useless as the ancient Mayans did to encourage the Rain God to bless them.

According to 16th Century textual accounts, blue was the color of sacrifice for the ancient Maya. They painted human beings blue before thrusting them backwards on an altar and cutting their beating heart from their bodies

How far are we as a culture from sacrificing virgins painted blue and tossing them into a pit to stop global warming.

It's all bad religion.


Steve Scott said...

Well, we already sacrafice our first born to the god known as "Choice."

Anonymous said...

Southern Baptists Back a Shift on Climate Change