Monday, April 28, 2008

Why Feminine Church - note to self

If you don't get Charisma Magazine, you should. If for nothing else but really straight talk articles like this one I just read. Here's an excerpt:

The crisis is spiritual at the core. Men's hearts have been penetrated by a demonic deadness.

Next time you're in church, perform a little experiment for me. Look around the sanctuary and count the number of women. Then count the men. If your congregation mirrors national averages, six or seven out of every 10 people with you in the pews will be female—meaning only three or four out of 10 will be male.

Visit a church during the week and you'll find the proportion of women to men even more lopsided. Seventy percent to 80 percent of participants at midweek activities are female, a phenomenon that prompted one pastor to comment, "If it weren't for the postman, every visitor to the church during the week would be a woman."

In some churches single women outnumber single men 2-to-1. Married guys are staying home too. Twenty-five percent of married women who attend church do so without their husbands. The gender gap is just as wide for young people. An estimated 90 percent of boys will leave the church before they turn 20. Many will never return.
At the conclusion of the article is this statement: Men's hearts have been penetrated by a demonic deadness. Men have been lulled into a spiritual stupor.

Programs, like fun things, like so many things we do as a church are only bad entertainment. Any TV show beats the socks off most Churches "Programs". We bore men.

The battle that must be waged is for conversions. If a man is truly converted he will go after Jesus with a passion that will require a large stick to keep him away. Men can and will be converted. That's why I have so little faith in entertainment for Men or Teens. We lose our kids because we think we can "Entertain" them into the kingdom of heaven.

No, first we have to touch a man's heart.

That is much more deliberate. Men hate all it takes to "Sit" in a church service. Men properly persuaded don't need much convincing about loving Jesus. They do need a LOT of convincing about Loving the Church. She's kind of a mess and reminds you a lot of that Girl you knew once who was really talkative, took up a lot of time and whined when she didn't get treated right.

She's needy and picky. Not much fun either. Wants you to come in, sit down, stand up, sing a couple silly songs with her, listen to her talk too much, be quiet give her some money and then go away quietly. MUSIC? She wants you to listen to her nice new album with Barry Manalow. Even if it bores you to death.

The one time you did enjoy Church was when they had REALLY loud drums, wailing guitars and played great music you could actually dance to.
Pity they don't do that anymore.

If we used Genders in the English Language Church would be all feminine all the time. Feminine - not in a good way.

We have a big problem. If you have ideas on how to get over this I'm open.

I'm guessing it has more to capturing the stupored heart of Men for Jesus than anything else.

Just Like Women. Once I fell fully in Love with My Wife, all the dumb things I had to go thru to be near her seem pretty trivial. I'm driven by passion and devotion.

Ditto the Church. We keep hoping that men will learn to love the church. It's not gonna happen. BUT, If a man Learns to LOVE Jesus, he will do anything to be near HIM. Even if it means he has to go to Church.

1 comment:

goprairie said...

Projects - men love projects - planting prairie for example. You can do a lot of God talk while you plant a prairie. Do it during the church service so it gets them out of it.