Thursday, May 01, 2008

Sound Bites worth Consuming

From Mark Batterson's blog

"I was at a conference recently on
generosity, and I asked a man who works full time with churches in the area of stewardship what typifies generous churches. His immediate response: 'They have generous senior pastors'."

Suffering causes people to ask questions like no other force in the world. It snaps the threads of our illusions of control and sufficiency."

"We get so used to the Bible, we miss its
edginess. The prophets were the original street performance artists. What they did was much more like radical street theater than it was like a church service."

"If I'm honest, what holds me back is not
lack of creativity. It's lack of urgency. I don't think the main force that drove the prophets was creativity for creativity's sake. I think it was spiritual reality. There was such a desperate awareness of the need for God to come fix things up that it drove them to do anything to make space people's awareness for God.

"The teachers I most learn from often find
non-verbal ways to drive home what they are teaching."

People don't care what I know. They care about what I'm learning."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

truth #1) leaders lead by example

truth #2) churches die because of poor and weak examples
