Monday, May 26, 2008

Condescension and Disdain

Small change.  That's what it's like to be treated like this by anyone.  It's particularly difficult for some when those are people who are supposed to be representatives of the most high God.  When they act like they are just at the left hand of the Father. 
When someone in clerical robes does it, there is  much said about who THEY are than who you are.  I have no respect for such men.
I have been treated as small change.  By peanut sized people.  I have learned to ignore them.  Others just end up wounded.
There is an inverse relationship between how a person treats others and what kind of a person they are, If they treat someone like small change it says a great deal more about them than the person they disdained,  particularly those who have no claim to anything other than being who they are.
So, for those, I will treat them as they deserve.
Like small change.
Turnabout is fair play.


Anonymous said...

Vengence is mime says the Lord...'nuf said about that.

Instead, you are a Champion of the Most High God.

He created YOU in His image.

He loves YOU no matter what.

He made YOU a Victor, not a victim.

Who gives a rip what people think. Love them in spite of themselves - that's not an option btw.

Remember, He was thinking about YOU when He spread His arms wide open on the Cross.

People will probably let you down the majority of the time. Instead of focusing on them, focus on Jesus.

People are cruel. People are mean. People are unjust. People are fake. People lie and are deceitful. People purposely try to ruin each other. People will do anything to get ahead. And this is just about the people within the's called S-I-N. The "church" is full of it.

Just remember - it all comes out in the end. Don't give your prosecution something. Rather, give Your Advocate things of God.

Start with LOVE.


Anonymous said...

why dont you start hanging out with better people and save a whole lot of problems. sounds like its way overdue. why hang onto people that pull you down? you can only do so much then shake the sand. its not up to you to save everyone. god does that.

Anonymous said...

turnabout just reveals you as being of the same stuff. remember the garden art that got kicked outta the gallery by the landlord: "Whether it is shit or perfume, if you work with it long enough, you are gonna get some on you." Resist. Make choices. If you can't resist being turned into them, avoid. You know better: Stick there.