Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sometimes I get Depressed

Mostly I'm up and positive.  It's the nature of the beast.  I try to be encouraging. 
Sometimes I get discouraged.  I become depressed.  I've been reading Jeremiah and Lamentations.  I understand him.  I understand how hard it is to pour yourself out in trying to bring God to a people in fullness and it falls on deafened ears.  It made Jeremiah weep.  Me too.
I thought I was alone in this.  Then in a conversation with a house prophet from another church he expressed the same frustration. 
Maybe that is the nature of the prophet, wanting more for those who he or she interacts with and being frustrated when they don't "Get It". 
Some might say, "Don't force it, some people don't want that, not everybody worships the same way, people don't have to be exactly like you think they should." 
I agree.  Here's the issue, if I have any discernment I can spot shallow.  I have catholic friends who love Jesus with more passion than anyone else I know.  I have Pentecostal friends who are a mile wide and an inch deep.   All show no go. 
Then there are those I have been hoping to encourage to go deeper in God.  They don't seem to want to go deeper.  They are happy in the familiar religious comfort zone they are stuck in. 
They want nothing that might upset that house of cards called religion they live within.  It's too scary to step outside.  Maybe the thing Christians need is to be scared a little bit.  Maybe that whole fear of the Lord thing is what's needed.
It's always been that way.  At mount Sinai the Children of Israel told Moses that God Scared them and they didn't want to hear from him any more.  They told Moses that he should talk to God and then come report what God had said.  From that day forward Relationship was replaced by Religion and God never spoke to them directly again. 
Deut 5:25-27  "But now, why should we die?  This great fire will consume us,  and we will die if we hear the voice of the Lord our God any longer.  For what  mortal man has ever heard the voice of the living God speaking out of fire, as   we have, and survived?  Go near and listen to all that the Lord our God says.  Then tell us whatever the Lord our God tells you.  We will listen and obey." 
 Heb 12:19-20  "those who heard it begged that no further word be spoken to them, because they could not bear what was commanded."
That's what's happening today.  God is speaking and people are unwilling to hear.  It's scary. Instead they rely on dead religious systems.
God is not pleased, I don't even have to be a prophet to say that.  Bring your fires of Revival Lord, bring it now.
Maybe that's the wrong prayer.  Some people can't be RE vived because they have never been VIVED.  They have no first love to go back to because they haven't yet had first love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like your problem is youre tired of beating a dead horse. maybe you want something so bad youre ignoring the fact that season was over long ago. move on already. theres a whole planet full of hunger. hungry need to be fed. dead need to be buried.

start with phil. 3:12-20.