Saturday, May 31, 2008

Why I don't believe in Committees and Councils

There is an inverse relationship between oversight and management and productivity.

Ever see Office Space??

Peter Drucker had it right:
Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get their jobs done. ~ Peter Drucker


Anonymous said...

90% of the managers out there are micromanagers. Can't get anything done unless it's done their way. A smart manager says heres what I need do-now go do it. It's all about power and not wanting to give it up. Beyond that, I think its more of a trust issue. Most micromanagers keep people in the dark too so they dont have to be accountable. Had a dork of a boss once tell me to do things his way or else. It didnt work. He fired me (big deal-I quit worse jobs). Now that company is on the verge of closing because after he left nobody has a clue what the heck he was doing (especially with the book) and he was "a little creative" in his work (or lack of).

I think we're living in times where integrity, honesty, character, and values are thrown out the window over power, greed, envy, jelousy, and just plain evil. Maybe it should start with the church (like when the church used to show people how to live-remember that?).

...Oops, I was talking about the church.


Anyone ever done a study on the simularity between what goes on at church and the economy? If not they should. Seems churches lately are dropping huge balls of opportunity and instead building glass walls for their country clubs. When the church declines (or grows stale or you say religion), does the economy and morality decline? Too easy to say it's the other way around. Again, that would be an accountability thing then. I blame the church, or what they call church leaders, for not doing much but sticking to themselves (and working like a bunch of managers). That doesnt seem like christianity to me. I go to church yet my church on the corner doesnt do squat except talk a lot of stuff. When it gets down to doing, theres always another meeting or reason to delay. Maybe thats why I dont go there much now and do way more outside the church.

Remember the saying "show me the money"? I say is "show me" church. Show me YOUR example.

(off to the soccer fields to pray with those who chose to take their kids to soccer instead of church on Sunday...)

Steve Scott said...

Great quote.